Phoenix High School
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Club's City, State:
Phoenix, OR
Service Hours:
Date Adopted:

Meet Jovanny

Read Jovanny's Story

Jovanny is a 17-year-old student in his Senior year at Phoenix High School. Jovanny loves school, church, and going to the movies. His family describes him as a happy, positive, silly, and humorous person who always has a smile on his face.

Jovanny has always been considered a miracle child. While pregnant with him, Jovanny’s mother was told by doctors that he would not survive.

Jovanny was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome after he was born.

Due to Jovanny’s condition, he’s had more than 13 surgeries, including 4 heart surgeries and 3 brain surgeries. He had his first open heart surgery when he was 6 days old.

His mother has referenced Jovanny’s medical journey as being like a rollercoaster, he is great one moment and the next he is fighting for his life.

Unfortunately, Jovanny is not a candidate for a heart transplant so he will need medical treatment for the rest of his life.

Despite everything Jovanny has gone through medically, he is determined to fight and beat anything he faces.

Jovanny will be adopted as the Sparrow to Phoenix High School. PHS students will work hard to earn money for Jovanny through sponsored community service.