Evelyn is a sweet and social 7-year-old girl who is in the first grade at Mae Richardson Elementary. She is a lover of all animals, enjoys the ocean, has an inquisitive nature, and is very caring. She also loves being a big sister to her brother, Henry.
In March of 2023, Evelyn’s mom noticed that a cyst-like spot on Evelyn’s body had changed shape and color, so she took her to see her pediatrician.
After doctors removed what they thought was a cyst on Evelyn’s pelvis, they discovered it was a cancerous tumor called Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma is an extremely rare and high-risk, aggressive cancer. However, Evelyn was fortunate to have this detected in a low-risk stage of its progression.
Due to the aggressive nature of this cancer, Evelyn will undergo 24 weeks of chemotherapy and 6 weeks of radiation. She’s already had 3 surgeries to remove surrounding tissue that may have cancer cells.
Evelyn and her family will be moving to Arizona for the month of December so Evelyn can receive intense radiation therapy.
This has been a scary journey for Evelyn and her family, but Evelyn has been such a resilient young girl. She has so much strength and dignity as she battles this. She has already inspired her entire family to stay positive and keep their heads up no matter what life throws their way.
Evelyn will be adopted as the Sparrow to Cascade Christian School. Cascade students will work hard to earn money for Evelyn through sponsored community service.