Adan is a resilient and happy one-year-old who loves to laugh and smile at his reflection in the mirror. He loves music and his favorite song is “Wheels on the Bus”.
Adan’s parents were overjoyed when they learned they were having a baby and considered him their miracle. Due to some complications, Adan was born at 36 weeks and had to be resuscitated after being born. Doctors discovered he had an umbilical hernia, but they weren’t overly concerned.
Shortly after taking him home, his parents noticed something wasn’t right. As time passed the hernia became larger and he was crying all the time. Concerned it was milk proteins, they updated his diet.
When his symptoms worsened, his parents knew there was something else wrong. After multiple trips to the doctor, a mass was discovered in Adan’s abdomen.
They were sent to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital where Adan was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma, (liver cancer).
His chemotherapy started immediately. Next Adan had surgery to remove 50% of his liver. He has also had multiple blood transfusions and a bacterial infection. He is currently part of a special clinical trial that will help doctors learn more about how to treat others with Hepatoblastoma.
Adan is strong and loves to try and be independent as he grows stronger. Doctors will monitor his progress carefully. Right now, he needs everyone’s love and support.
Adan will be adopted as a Sparrow to Evergreen Middle School. Students will work hard to raise money for Adan through sponsored community service.