Franklin is a sweet 5-month-old baby boy who is adored by his family. His parents call him the happiest little baby and say he is always smiling.
After Franklin was born, he was noticeably swollen on the left side of his face and his left eye appeared to be smaller. Doctors didn’t find it too alarming and said it was probably due to the birthing process and would eventually go away.
After 6 days, the swelling had not subsided, so Franklin went in for an ultrasound on his brain. His brain scans came back perfect, but he was sent to a specialist for his left eye.
Franklin was diagnosed with microphthalmia, essentially meaning his left eye is small and underdeveloped. Doctors discovered his cornea is detached and he has severe cataracts. He is blind in his left eye and doctors say Franklin will never have vision in that eye.
Microphthalmia has no cure, but early intervention will help him dramatically. Franklin will soon have an important exam where doctors will take impressions of his eye socket. These impressions will be used to build conformers, or clear plastic shapers, that will be placed in his eye socket. This will promote healthy growth and eventually allow him to have a prosthetic eye.
Franklin will also be fitted for safety glasses eventually, to help protect his right eye. In the meantime, he will travel to Portland at least once a month for medical appointments.
This has been a scary start for Franklin’s parents, especially being first-time parents. However, Franklin brings so much joy and sweetness and is such a brave and strong little boy. His parents are in awe of him and so proud.
Franklin will be adopted as the Sparrow to Eagle Point High School. EPHS students will work hard to earn money for Franklin through sponsored community service.