Dancing with the Rogue Valley Stars, 2024!

Bend Senior High School
Dwarfism, Spina Bifida, Tethered Cord
Club's City, State:
Bend, OR
Service Hours:
Date Adopted:

Meet Marlowe

Read Marlowe's Story

Marlowe’s medical journey started before she was born. At the 20-week ultrasound doctors said she wasn’t growing as she should be. They weren’t sure she was still growing at all. Her parents were told they might lose her and to be prepared for delivery between 20 and 23 weeks. The chances of survival at that age are slim.

Marlowe’s parents celebrated each week that passed and had many scans done. At the 27-week mark, they were told that indeed Marlowe WAS growing, but her upper arms and legs were not growing at the same pace as the rest of her body.

Marlowe was diagnosed with Dwarfism. Her parents were relieved that she would survive and after all they had been through with their daughter Millie’s care, they knew they could care for another medically complex child.

Marlowe continued to grow and was born at 37- weeks. Her first year was uneventful as her parents did a lot of “watching and waiting”.

In the Spring of 2022, her parents saw a geneticist who noticed some concerning features in Marlowe. A brain and spine MRI were immediately done, and Marlowe was diagnosed with tethered cord, spina bifida, and she is also being monitored for Hydrocephalus.

There are over 400 types of Dwarfism and doctors are still figuring out which specific type Marlowe has. Marlowe had her first surgery in October 2022 to release her tethered spinal cord. Her parents thought that the tethering was causing her to have an abnormal gait, but the doctors now say that’s just the way she is and will be… which does not slow her down!

Marlowe is now 2 years old and is a fun little girl. One of her favorite activities is walking her older sisters to and from school. When she goes to take sister Millie to preschool, Marlowe likes to go in and sit with the kids and participate. She definitely knows how to keep up with her sisters!

Marlowe really loves animals and going to the park. Due to her many procedures and long drives to Portland, she loves anything Cocomelon themed (a show on Netflix) and Peppa Pig. She is very smart and likes to sing songs and count.

Marlowe will be adopted as a Sparrow by Bend High School. Bend High students will work hard to raise money for Marlowe through sponsored community service.