Mountain View High School
Chronic Epilepsy
Club's City, State:
Bend, OR
Service Hours:
Date Adopted:

Meet Braelynn

Read Braelynn's Story

When Braelynn was born, she was a perfectly healthy baby, until 36 hours of life. This is when she had her first seizure. She had two seizures while in the hospital and was in the NICU for 23 days.

Braelynn was eventually diagnosed with Chronic Epilepsy. After genetic testing, doctors still do not know the cause or where the source of the seizures is coming from in her brain.

Doctors started Braelynn on two medications while in the NICU for seizure control. Three more were added because Braelynn continued to have breakthrough seizures.

Since late January 2021, Braelynn has been transported via ambulance to St Charles Hospital in Bend eight times. Five of those eight times she then had to be flown to Doernbecher Hospital in Portland because she couldn’t stop seizing and they would have to intubate her.

In June 2021, Braelynn was put on the Ketogenic Diet which has helped but she still has breakthrough seizures that resulted in her being hospitalized.

Braelynn will turn 4 in December, and she is still basically non-verbal, which can be frustrating to her. In August 2022 she had a g-tube placed for her nutrition needs.

Braelynn had surgery in April 2023 to place a VNS device on her neck. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) may prevent or lessen seizures by sending regular, mild pulses of electrical energy to the brain via the vagus nerve. This will help her so much!

She loves her two older brothers, who keep her entertained and enjoy reading her books.

Braelynn loves being outdoors and enjoys going to the park. Climbing and being in nature is her favorite thing. She’s not a ‘TV kid”.

Braelynn will be adopted as a Sparrow to Mountain View High School. Mountain View students will work hard to raise money for Braelynn through sponsored community service.